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This automator action makes it even simpler to blog photos and movies.

iWeb Blogger

Inputs: This action accepts movie or images files as inputs and generates an iWeb blog entry for each file.

Outputs: none

Features: This action creates an iWeb blog entry for each movie or pictures passed to it. This action can keep track of entry counts on a per title basis.





iWeb Blogger
Figure 3: iWeb Blogger action window
iWeb Blog EntryThe iWeb Blogger action can keep track of how many entries you've entered with a particular title.

Pass two images to a workflow with a title of 'beach trip'. The action will create entries called 'beach trip 1' & 'beach trip 2'.

Run the workflow tomorrow, add another pic and a movie, the action will create entries 'beach trip 3' & 'beach trip 4'.

You can even alternate between multiple titles.



Figure 4: iWeb Blog Page with generated entries